Friday, August 25, 2017

A Few Hints

Swedish weaving is addictive, fun, and good for the soul because we create things of beauty.  Besides those lovely benefits, we also can start Swedish weaving clubs, blogs, Facebook pages, etc. to show our projects, get advice, and learn new techniques.  These are all win/win/win benefits of the craft.

One technique I learned about recently was how to finish off the selvage edge other than machine stitching it down.  Someone came up with the really bright idea of using stitch witchery.  You cut the stitch witchery to size and place it under the fold..I only fold over once because I don't want too much bulk.  Then press it down with your iron.  So easy and so neat!

Another nice idea was in adding some of the yarn colors used in the pattern to the fringe.  I've done this forever but someone came up with the idea to place them in sort of a wave instead of straight across.  I love that!

There were more but I didn't write them down...note to self, write them down from now on!

I mentioned that I've been working on 2 lap afghans at the same time because one has a really intricate pattern that sort of tires me out.  The second lap afghan has a more simple pattern to follow.  Well, I finished the simple pattern one except for fringeing the top and bottom and now have to face the more difficult pattern.  I'll post photos of both when I'm finished.

One more thought...the lap afghans would also make excellent table cloths.  I've made table cloths from the full size afghans, too, but these smaller ones work just as well.

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