Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Hints From Other Weavers

I love that so many weavers have found the blog and are sending photos of their work or just supplying their expertise to the blog.  One of the most important things I found at our group in Florida was how we continued to learn from each other.  There are definitely more adventurous weavers who aren't afraid to try new procedures and that keeps us improving our own skills.

Something I learned recently from a weaver was to use different thicknesses in the yarns on the same project.  I'd always been taught that was a no-no but her photo showed an absolutely beautiful finished item so now that's what I'll try on my next one.

I'm still finishing up on the "crazy Swedish weaving afghan" and, though it has been the bane of my life, it does look pretty now but I hope to never make the same mistake again.  Most of us will create some kind of blunder but even the blunders look pretty darned good when finished.  It's the nature of Swedish weaving that it's just a really beautiful craft.

And so, ladies, keep contributing to the blog and I hope my readers find it useful.

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